Meet Dr. Glenn Johnston (aka “Doc”)
I always thought back trouble and chiropractic involved “older” folks until, at 16, I suffered a lower back injury, and, at the insistence of my dad, visited a chiropractor for the first time. After several visits, I had improved and was back playing sports and doing what active 16 year-olds normally do.
As time went on, I got friendlier with my chiropractor and he started “gently” steering my thinking towards chiropractic as a career. I eventually chose to follow this career path and enrolled in Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, graduating in December of 1967. I have been practicing in Fredericton since 1969 and was joined by our son, Dr. Aaron after he graduated from PCC in 1997.
My chiropractor’s son was enrolled in Palmer and that was a good enough endorsement for me. After entering Palmer, I soon realized how intensive and diverse the chiropractic education is. I’m not sure what I expected but I sure did get my eyes opened!! I especially enjoyed technique, adjusting, clinic and x-ray classes. I guess you could say that these represent the “meat & potatoes” of the chiropractic education.
My Philosophy on Health & Chiropractic
On a Personal Note
I’ve been married for over 47 years to a wonderful lady, Midge. We have two children; our son, Dr. Aaron, joined the practice in 1997 and has taken over as sole chiropractor since my retirement, and our daughter, Lindsay, is the Office Manager for Gorham real Estate/Fredericton Rental.
I have been an active Rotarian for almost 41 years and also an active Shriner. I enjoy golf, salmon fishing, billiards and walking. I try to walk about 4 km every morning. I enjoy puttering in the yard – our home has a beautiful view of the Saint John River.
I have been enjoying chiropractic care since I was a teenager. Presently I get adjusted weekly. I think walking is one of the best exercises there is and I also believe we have to be very careful about what we put into our bodies. I tell patients “It’s what you are doing today that will determine your state of well-being in 15 years.” I think we live in an over medicated world of both legal and illegal drugs which is having a devastating effect on our society. People are sick, over-weight, out of shape and miserable….a lot of it due to their life-style choices.
Welcome to our site and thanks for visiting. I hope we can be of service to you, your family or friends. Give our clinic a call! We’d be happy to do a spinal and postural assessment, and give you an opinion as to your health options. In the meantime, eat healthy food and think happy thoughts!!
People may have noticed that I’m not seen around the office on a regular basis. After 51 years of active practice I decided to retire my license at the end of 2018. Chiropractic is a wonderful profession and I have found great enjoyment being involved with people and their various challenges. One thing proved crystal clear over the years….those who get adjusted regularly are not only healthier, but are able to get more enjoyment out of life and are more tuned in to their bodies and their expression of health. So, after all those years I’ve entered the world of retirement but continue to be active and interested in Rotary (40+ years) and Shriners. Another thing that is obvious is that activity is a form of nutrition for the body, so I try to stay active with lots of walking, golf, bowling (when in Florida) and enjoying my grandchildren and their activities. Life presents us with various challenges and situations and we must be resilient and adaptable to whatever comes along.