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Regular Visits

Avoid relapse with regular visits.

In the same way that regular exercise is important, regular visits will help avoid relapse.

Naturally, your first two visits take a little longer simply because of the thorough evaluation we perform and the time it takes to explain our findings.

“Will all my visits take that long?” we’re often asked.

In a word no. With your individual care plan laid out, regular visits will be much faster. Plan on 5-15 minutes.

You’ll notice our main adjusting suite is in an open area much like many orthodontic and physical therapy offices. This accelerates the learning for patients of many health concepts like how they might respond to care, nutrition, ergonomics, exercise and the like.

Because of this efficiency, we run on time. We know your time is valuable, so we do whatever we can to keep on schedule.

Of course, all report of findings, re-examinations, and any discussion of sensitive topics takes place in private rooms. Our patients appreciate our accessibility!

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