Johnston Chiropractic Reviews
What Our Patients Say…
What others say about chiropractic care can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of Johnston Chiropractic Associates patient testimonials below and please click here to email us or contact the office if you have any questions.
Health and happiness,
Dr. Aaron Johnston and Dr. Glenn Johnston
Prior to chiropractic care, I was experiencing back pain, recently leg pain and hip pain. Chiropractic worked wonders! I garden, swim, walk, yoga, and other exercises. I would absolutely recommend Chiropractic!
- Helen
I experienced low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, migraines, knee, elbow, and hand pain. I tried massage therapy, acupuncture twice as well as prescribed pills. I take my morning pills but haven’t been taking as many throughout the day I can socialize a bit now since the intense pain has subsided and I’m not as stressed from it. I’m much less sore throughout my body. I can now look up at the stars without holding my head with my hands and I can also turn my head to check my blind spot while driving. I would recommend chiropractic care
- Sheila
I experienced lower back pain, numbness in my legs and feet and couldn’t sleep throughout the night. I tried massage therapy. Chiropractic helped the numbness go away and helped me to keep up with everyday tasks and exercise normally. I was able to start back running/walking, working out and can now sleep through the night I would recommend chiropractic care.
- Kate
I experienced upper back pain, headaches, lack of sleep, and nausea. I tried acupuncture. Chiropractic care helped belay the pain a significant amount. I am now able to swim and walk without pain. I would recommend chiropractic care
- Ashley
I had strange experiences all of a sudden. During a golf game, I started experiencing pain when I picked up my golf ball. Knowing this was odd, I wanted it fixed. A friend recommended chiropractic care so I came here first. The pain stopped after a few sessions and I continue to play golf without any physical pain. I am now able to continue with previous activities and practice bending my knees at the chiropractor’s suggestion. I recommend chiropractic care and have recommended it to several people.
- Aline
I experienced sciatica and carpal tunnel. Chiropractic and my heel lift stopped the pain and there was an amazing change in my wrist-No more pain! I would recommend chiropractic care.
- Laverne
I experienced knee pain, sleep problems, and mobility issues prior to chiropractic care. Thanks to chiropractic; I have no more pain, am able to move better, and was able to stop pain medications. I would recommend chiropractic care.
- Valerie
Prior to chiropractic care, I experienced neck, back, and shoulder pain. I had to use a tens machine to help alleviate the pain. I was able to stop taking Tylenol and Advil thanks to chiropractic care. I now walk more and can do yard work. I’d recommend chiropractic care.
- Kerry
I experienced low back, neck, leg, and feet pain. Chiropractic care helped me to stop all pain medication. I am now able to bike, do yoga, swim, walk, lift weights and do specific exercises. I would absolutely recommend chiropractic care.
- Gloria
I experienced low back pain and neck pain prior to chiropractic care. I tried Physio, massage, and acupuncture. Chiropractic care relieved my pain and increased my range of motion and will allow me to golf again. I would recommend chiropractic care.
- Paul
I experienced pain in my neck and shoulders. It was so bad that I was awake for 72 hours. I noticed improvements after every appointment and by the 5th appointment I was sleeping most of the night. I would recommend chiropractic care without a doubt.
- Carl
Due to my spine, I walked bent over from my waist. It was quite noticeable to those who saw me walking. Chiropractic care, traction, and daily exercises have helped straighten me up and stopped the gradual transformation of being bent over completely as I aged. I would recommend chiropractic care for others. I appreciate the information shared with me regarding my condition and what we can do to improve my lifestyle and “look” Very informative and I learn something new with each visit!
- Wendy